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If you find it difficult to receive, here's a secret

Amelia Perkins

People often say to me, “you’re good at receiving”. At first I translated this as “you’re a greedy selfish wench.” But as I felt into it more, I really have become pretty good at receiving. And it's been a process. 

Part of it is realizing we’re receiving all the time. Our lives our sustained by others and those who have come before us, built the roads, created the internet, grown our food. It’s easier to receive when we’re a ball of gratitude for what’s already present.

The myth of the uber-independent person really is a myth. We need each other wildly. We need so much.

Receiving is an aspect of the Feminine. The ability to surrender into this moment, this gift, this opportunity that is before us.

I’ve noticed that the Feminine is naturally ravenous — in a good way. She needs a lot. She wants a lot. She wants to be met, to be seen, to be loved, to be adored, to feel pleasure and connection. She is what brings us the juice of life and part of that comes out of her desire. (This is true for all of us. Men too!)

Most of us are denying our feminine and starving ourselves. And it can sometimes be a great mystery why. We might be able to track it to our families of origin etc. But I’ve found, right now in the present, the best way to open to receive is to mature our own inner masculine.

Not the society-conditioned masculine that does everything alone but the mature masculine whose job is actually to hold space for her, for life itself.

Once he's on board, then our inner partners begin to work together. He holds the space. She relaxes and opens. When she opens, more life comes in and through her. He is sustained and nourished. She is filled up with goodness and inspiration.

There’s a dance in all this. A dance between our own Masculine and Feminine that begins to reflect in our outside world. The more our own masculine consciousness allows us to receive, holds us while we soften, the more the Feminine will naturally sink down into the open space that allows her to receive. That space allows life to flow through her.... and into her.

Eventually they work together in a sweet dance to make something beautiful.

But it begins with him.

So if you want to begin to receive more fully — and your inner feminine desperately wants this even while your masculine might be poo-pooing it — come join me in the upcoming inner marriage workshop where we’ll mature these aspects of ourselves in mundane and magical ways to get them into that sweet dance where you can feel truly nourished. And begin to receive the goodness that is waiting for you.

And if you sign up before Monday, you'll receive a one-on-one session with me as a bonus gift...! I'm not sure I'll do this again. I'm turning 50 and feels like the right thing to do. More info info here.

No more starving! Receive!

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